Self-care tips for mental health awareness month
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s show ourselves some extra love by adding in these five self-care practices to our everyday life.
Treasure your mornings.
Creating and sticking to a lengthy morning routine can be overwhelming. We recommend starting by adding just one new sacred activity to your mornings. This can be as simple as budgeting extra time to make your morning matcha or coffee exactly how you like it and having the time to savor it. It could also look like spending the first five minutes of your day meditating instead of immediately scrolling on social media.
Schedule your self-care.
Set reminders in your phone or add your non-negotiable self-care items to your to-do list. Checking off tasks like “go for a walk after lunch” helps you stay motivated and celebrate all of your wins.
Take a moment to go outside, everyday.
Getting sunlight everyday, especially first thing in the morning, not only gives you an energy boosts - but also helps you regulate your circadian rhythm. This leads to better and deeper sleep, which is also a mood-booster!
Be more intentional.
Taking inventory about how you feel throughout the day can help you understand how your thoughts, environment, and lifestyle play a major role in your mental health. When you practice daily awareness, you can begin to make positive and empowering changes!
Start a gratitude practice (but you already knew we’d say that).