Our mission is to improve the world's happiness.
Gratitude Plus is a community-based journaling app that helps you express gratitude and live happier. A year and a half ago, I was in a negative, pessimistic mental state. A combination of pressures built up and was taking a toll on me mentally and even physically – I was feeling stressed, tired, and sad, and had trouble sleeping. I knew I needed to make some major changes.
I began researching positive habits I could incorporate into my life and I stumbled onto gratitude. When I began searching for an app to help me pick up this habit in a healthy way and find a community support system to help me stick with the habit, there was nothing that even resembled a community for gratitude. I saw an exciting opportunity, and so I built Gratitude Plus. Gratitude has helped change my life and I hope the app will help others too.
Our team
Daniel Shaffer
Founder, Product & Engineering
Serial entrepreneur with 2 apps on Apple’s Top 10 charts. Currently @ Community, founding engineer at Thrive Global and RapidSOS.
Julia Chang
Product Marketing & Business Development
Product Manager @ Facebook, former PM at Amazon, early employee at RapidSOS, and investment banker at Credit Suisse.
Join Us
We're a small team passionate about helping people feel and live happier. If you're interested in working with us, please get in touch.